Monday, November 1, 2010

Everyone has 2 choices in life!!!!

Everyone of us has 2 choices in our life we must make. You can either choose to live the life you want or have one chosen for you.  Like it or not, everyone must make this choice.

Most people unfortunately choose the latter, they feel that they have no control over their future and that it all depends on the schooling you had, or the financial situation of your parents, or the job you get. These are all really valid points, some of us had parents that were wealthy, Bill gates kid's probably will have a foot up on the rest, but your parents aren't the ones who will decide your future. Regardless of your background and past, as of today you still have a choice on the life you will live. You decide how you will live, where you will go and when, not according to some other person's schedule.

Let me be clear on one thing though, if you choose to live your life by your own design it will be challenging. You will have to pay now to be able to play later. It takes discipline and effort to achieve what you want. Wishing something be done typically doesn't produce the results we want. You must be willing to sacrifice your time, relationships, efforts, and sometimes money for a bigger reward down the road. But, let me assure you that if you choose to pay now as opposed to pay later you will have a wonderful and fulfilling life because it will be yours. No one else will tell you what to do or how to do it. When was the last time you truly had that kind of freedom? Probably not since you were a kid for most of us.

Do not waste time letting things happen. Take control of your future today, decide the life you want and go after it. Choose to make your own decisions and live a free life. The life you have always wanted.

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