My blog today is straight from Robin Sharma's book the Greatness Guide Book 2.
Its about truly seeking to be the best you, you can be every day.
"Warren Buffet once observed, 'There will never be a better you than you.' Brilliant insight. From a brilliant guy. There will never be a better me than me. And there will never be a better you than you. Some might try to copy the way you think, speak and act. But no matter how hard they try, they will only be a second best you. Because you are unique. Only one of you alive today. Among the billions of us. Makes you stop and think, doesn't it? Makes you realize you are pretty special. No, very special. And that there really isn't any competition.
And so today, what will you do with you as you march out into a world that needs people playing at extraordinary with their lives more than ever before? Will you exert more of your hidden potential? Will you liberate more of your natural creativity? Will you uncover more of your authenticity? And will you be more of the you that you are meant to be? Just wondering. Because there will never be a better time to be the best you than today. And if not now, then when? Makes me think of what philosopher Herodotus once said: 'It is better by noble boldness to run the risk of being subject to half of the evils we anticipate than to remain in cowardly listlessness for fear of what may happen.' So beautifully said."
What will you choose today. To be the best you? Or to let your full potential fall by the wayside?
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