Friday, January 28, 2011


When I was running a meeting for our office the other day, I asked everyone if I gave them $86,400 today and everyday from here on out, and they had to spend every penny by the end of the day, what would they do with it?

I heard a lot of different answers. For example: invest it, help out family members, buy some of the things they have always dreamed of having, donate to charity.

Not surprisingly no one said they would waste it, or throw it away. None were willing to invest into stocks they knew would not bring them a return. They weren’t willing to donate it to their friends who don’t normally support them and hitting their goals. No one said they would buy a real crappy car instead of a brand new one. Every single person said they would spend all of that money bettering their lives. They would make every penny count.

I then asked if anyone knew why I picked $86,400 as the amount of money I would give. Nobody had any concrete answer. Some of you may already know.

86,400 is the exact amount of seconds we have in a day!

If you aren’t going to spend money on bad investments or useless purchases why spend your time? If you wouldn’t lend your money to friends that don’t help you hit your goals, why spend your time hanging out with them? If you are willing to spend money on charities why not invest your time and volunteer?

My point is that you have the ability to decide every day and every second whether you will make the most of it and move forward or let it float by. Unlike money, you cannot get time back. Once you let a second or minute or day go by without maximizing it to your fullest you are wasting your opportunity.

Decide today what you will do with your 86,400 seconds. I know I will be making the most of mine. Will you?

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