It's easy to sit down and start thinking of all the wonderful things we can do with our lives.
The hard part is getting up and doing something about it. Follow-through isn't easy, it isn't a one step your done process. It takes time, dedication and commitment to your goals.
On that note I was reading an email from Jim Rohn and he was talking about follow-through.
Here are 7 tips that he suggests doing to help you follow-through on your goals.
1) Attention - The things we pay attention to tend to be in great shape. The things we don't pay attention to tend to be a mess. E.g. Look at your bedroom, do you put attention towards cleaning it or do you just leave in the morning and hope all will be ok when you get home.
Obviously you can't pay attention to everything but you can choose which goals are your top priorities. The goal that frustrates you and disheartens you when you think about it - that's the one that needs more attention.
2) Action - The 15 route to follow-through.
Dedicate at least 15 minutes of action towards your goal everyday. This keeps momentum and consistent action happening. Even a few minutes a day will get you re-energized and you may find yourself putting in far more than 15 minutes. Just try it!
3) Recommit - Get re-inspired; remind yourself why you set this goal in the first place. Did you think it was possible then? If you thought it possible then, it should still be possible now.
4) Visualize - Visualize it as though it's already done, imagine it's already happening and take action from this heightened emotional place. E.g. Look at hockey goalies, they will visualize the whole game in their mind before it even starts. All the way down to how should I be positioned in net if a player is skating at me from this angle. It helps them prepare before hand so when game time hits they can just react as opposed to think.
5) Journal - Yes keep a journal, use it to hold yourself accountable. Before you go to bed at night, write what you did today to get you closer to your goal and what you plan to do next. Be ok with revising it, it's designed to hold you accountable not nag you out.
6) Ask for Help - Ask another person to hold you accountable. Tell your friend what your goal is. Come up with an action plan and enlist others help. Maybe you can help them with their goals after and hold them accountable.
7) Redefine - Be open to revising you goal and action plan. Maybe you need to redefine your goal into smaller goals. E.g. When I was pushing to own my own company there were many times I needed to readjust my goal. Sometimes because of my own lack of follow-through and sometimes because of unforeseen circumstances. Regardless the reason it's not when you hit your goal, but that you do hit it that really matters.
There you have it. 7 awesome tips to help you follow-through on your goals and accomplish anything you want.
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