Thursday, April 19, 2012

9 Promises That Can Bring Happiness

I was reading from John Wooden's book "Wooden" and one of his points was on these promises that he would make to himself daily that lead him to a life full of happiness and joy, which I think is what we are all truly seeking at the end of the day.
They are so simple yet so profound if only we keep these promises daily.

Here they are:

1) Promise yourself that you will talk health, happiness and prosperity as often as possible.
2) Promise yourself to make all of you friends know there is something in them that is special and that you value.
3) Promise to think only of the best , to work only for the best, and to expect only the best in yourself and others.
4) Promise to be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
5) Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can upset your peace of mind.
6) Promise to forget the mistakes of the past and press on to greater achievements in the future.
7) Promise to wear a cheerful appearance at all times and give every person you meet a smile.
8) Promise to give so much time improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
9) Promise to be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit trouble  to press on you.

Sometimes the littlest things can produce the largest results if only a little attention is paid. Start committing to doing the little things right today by making the promise to choose to be the best you, you can be.

Friday, March 23, 2012

LiquidEdge Moves to New Location

[Midtown Toronto, ON] (March 9, 2012) – LiquidEdge, a leading sales company in Canada, announced that it has relocated to Midtown Toronto to continue expansion efforts and provide increased opportunity for team members.

Since LiquidEdge’s establishment in 2009, the company has sold on behalf of several client campaigns, through business to consumer and business to business sales strategies. The LiquidEdge team has grown as well, providing complete training programs and promotions in a variety of positions.

“I’m so excited about our move and looking forward working on a brand new campaign,” said Tyrel Johannson, president of LiquidEdge . “In recent months, we’ve hit record-breaking sales and I expect this stride to keep up the momentum in our new location.”

LiquidEdge will continue its participation and donation to charitable organizations as well. In November, the team participated in “Movember,” a moustache growing charity event held during November each year that raises funds and awareness for men’s health. LiquidEdge Marketing raised approximately $2,000 as a result of every team member’s effort.

“How we banded together to raise funds for a charitable organization is an example of our determination, perseverance, and goal-setting strategies,” President Tyrel Johannson said. “We’re looking forward to participating in events in the Toronto area now as well. Once our team sets our mind to it, we can accomplish anything!”

About LiquidEdge
LiquidEdge is a Toronto based sales company that provides marketing solutions to a variety of clients, ensuring that their business, product, or services are being marketed in the most effective manner possible.  LiquidEdge is an ever-changing, always-evolving company that strives to consistently create new ideas and groundbreaking marketing strategies. For more information, log on to and follow us on Facebook and Twitter or call (416) 488-3731.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

7 Steps to Follow-Through

It's easy to sit down and start thinking of all the wonderful things we can do with our lives.
The hard part is getting up and doing something about it. Follow-through isn't easy, it isn't a one step your done process. It takes time, dedication and commitment to your goals.

On that note I was reading an email from Jim Rohn and he was talking about follow-through.
Here are 7 tips that he suggests doing to help you follow-through on your goals.

1) Attention - The things we pay attention to tend to be in great shape. The things we don't pay attention to tend to be a mess. E.g. Look at your bedroom, do you put attention towards cleaning it or do you just leave in the morning and hope all will be ok when you get home.
Obviously you can't pay attention to everything but you can choose which goals are your top priorities. The goal that frustrates you and disheartens you when you think about it - that's the one that needs more attention.

2) Action - The 15 route to follow-through.
Dedicate at least 15 minutes of action towards your goal everyday. This keeps momentum and consistent action happening. Even a few minutes a day will get you re-energized and you may find yourself putting in far more than 15 minutes. Just try it!

3) Recommit - Get re-inspired; remind yourself why you set this goal in the first place. Did you think it was possible then? If you thought it possible then, it should still be possible now.

4) Visualize - Visualize it as though it's already done, imagine it's already happening and take action from this heightened emotional place. E.g. Look at hockey goalies, they will visualize the whole game in their mind before it even starts. All the way down to how should I be positioned in net if a player is skating at me from this angle. It helps them prepare before hand so when game time hits they can just react as opposed to think.

5) Journal - Yes keep a journal, use it to hold yourself accountable. Before you go to bed at night, write what you did today to get you closer to your goal and what you plan to do next. Be ok with revising it, it's designed to hold you accountable not nag you out.

6) Ask for Help - Ask another person to hold you accountable. Tell your friend what your goal is. Come up with an action plan and enlist others help. Maybe you can help them with their goals after and hold them accountable.

7) Redefine - Be open to revising you goal and action plan. Maybe you need to redefine your goal into smaller goals. E.g. When I was pushing to own my own company there were many times I needed to readjust my goal. Sometimes because of my own lack of follow-through and sometimes because of unforeseen circumstances. Regardless the reason it's not when you hit your goal, but that you do hit it that really matters.

There you have it. 7 awesome tips to help you follow-through on your goals and accomplish anything you want.

" A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done." Vince Lombardi

Monday, October 24, 2011

I Love Monday's!!!

Maybe I'm weird, but I never understood why everyone hates Monday's so bad.
I get that your weekend is over and so you wont be able to just chill and relax. I also know you'll most likely need to get up earlier and that when you get into work your going to have a full load of work for the day.
But for me I love that part.
Monday is the best day to plan out your week, get everything organized and get a strong start towards your goals.
I personally find Monday's to fly by the quickest as I typically am busier and it helps let me know where we stand for the rest of the week. It's also a great opportunity to get a jump start on your competition. While they have the mentality of poor me it's Monday, you can use this day to standout as a company that is ready whenever to take on a new challenge.

So with all that being said I came up with a few points that I use to ensure that I start my week strong and get excited for Monday's.

1) Get your chores done early - My mentor and coach Luc Hebert told me once that" If you don't have what you need to get done on Sunday done by 1pm don't bother trying to do it."
So true... Most people want to relax and enjoy their Sunday's before going back to work, but when you stop and think about it, how relaxed are you when you have a million things on your mind that you still need to do? If your anything like me the answer will be not very. So then don't wait until the end of they day. Get up early and start your day. Get the laundry done, take out the dog, run your errands and have it all done by 1pm so that you can genuinely enjoy your evening and relax your mind as much as you do your body.

2) Plan out your weeks and days - I don't care how you do it or when you do it, just make sure you do it.
I have found that when it comes to planning and preparing your week or day that you need to find a system that works for you. For some this could be using their phone, or computer. for others it using a notebook or daily planner. Some people plan at night, some plan in the morning. Some people plan their weeks on Thursday's while others do it on Sundays. My point being that it doesn't matter how or when you plan but it does latter that you do plan.
For myself I like to plan out my week on Sunday afternoons. I have no distractions or commitments usually and it allows me the time and energy to really plan out a strong week, each and every week. When it comes to planning out my days I do this every morning. Personally at night my brain is tired and needs to recharge so I'm not as effective. I know for other's it can be hard to get up that extra ten minutes early so maybe doing it at night is best.
regardless of how you plan your Monday will be much easier to get through if you have a clearly laid out step by step plan on how to go about your day. That way for those that like to just pass the time and sleep through work, you can still do it while maintaining productivity.

3) Get a good night sleep - One of the biggest reasons I like Mondays so much is I typically have more energy than any other day. Because I had all of my chores and week planned out by 1 I am able to relax and enjoy my evenings. Thus I don't feel the need to stay up late just to get in that bit of extra me time. I already have it so I get to bed extra early and this am refreshed and recharged for Monday.

4) Enjoy what you do - Everything I listed above is easy to do but not if you don't genuinely enjoy what you do. This doesn't mean that every second of every day you need to be amazed by how much you love your work but you do need to know that there is a purpose behind what you are doing and that you need to care about that purpose.

It's up to you how you start your week and it's up to you if you want to enjoy it, but if your finding that Monday's are more difficult then you would like then maybe, just maybe you need to change your habits before anything can improve.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Another Successful Charity Event!

This past weekend was another big success for another great charity, KidSport Alberta.
We organized a Beach Volleyball tournament and raised over $300.

Thank you to everyone who donated either prizes or money or your time. Also a big thanks to Amber Jones for organizing this whole event and putting it together.

Each month LiquidEdge will be doing different events for different charities.
Word on the street is in September we will be having a Poker Tournament so stay tuned.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Seven Keys to High-Energy Living!

I was having a meeting yesterday with one of the newer representatives we have in the office and she caught me off guard with kind of a random question. She asked me "how are you able to stay so positive and have so much energy all day and everyday?"

I wasn't really prepared or sure how to answer that other than I've always kind of bounced off the walls since I was a kid. Part of it is definitely just my genetics, I am an energetic person by nature but I wasn't always super positive and I didn't have bursts of energy all day. It would usually depend on my mood.

This got me thinking, what had changed? What did I do to maintain this energy level all day?
Did it magically happen? Is it in my nature? Maybe I'm just one of those lucky people?

After contemplating this randomly throughout the day I realized that I had actually developed the HABIT of living a High-Energy life. I didn't have some magical pill that made me want to get up in the morning happy, it certainly wasn't always in my nature I can tell you that. I hated mornings as a kid. I would dread waking up.

So how did I do it?
It wasn't easy that's for sure, but I feel I had a few key steps put in place that really enabled me to develop a long term lifestyle of being happy and having energy.
Along with these steps I have incorporated a few things I got from Brian Tracy in one of his articles.

The first step is "Develop a Positive Mental Attitude". Eliminate negative emotions, focus on what you have and what you want, not what you don't have and can't get. Your mind is like a slide show it can only give you one image at a time, so if a negative thought or image pops into your mind, quickly change your slide (thought) to a more positive one. You cannot think about two things at once (If you don't believe me, try it right now) so if all  you think about is positive things. All you can get in your life is positives.

The second step is "Eat the Right Foods". "To perform at your best you must eat the right foods, in the right balance, and in the right combination". Eating a Cheeseburger at 11pm is never going to give you energy the next day. So watch what you eat.

The third step is "Watch your Weight". This one I feel is pretty self explanatory but not always followed. Take care of your weight if you want to have energy, it is very difficult to have an energetic, active lifestyle when your overweight.

The fourth step is "Exercise is essential". Your probably seeing a trend arise and that is because it is so crucial to take care of your self and your health. If you want to be energetic all day you need to develop to discipline and stamina to do so and that can come from exorcising regularly. Plus your body naturally emits positive endorphins when you exercise which naturally make you more happy.

The fifth step is to "Get lots of Rest and Relaxation". This one if my favorite, take time to enjoy the little things. Don't overwork yourself, create a balance in your life so that you can become genuinely relaxed and stress free. It's never a bad thing to take 20 minutes to rest. It's only a bad thing if that's the only thing you do.

The sixth step is "Start a personal Mental Fitness Program". "Go on a 21 day positive mental attitude diet, one day at a time. Resolve that for the next 21 days, you are going to keep your mind on what you want and keep it off the things you don't want. You are going to think and talk positively and optimistically about your goals, other people, and everything that is going on in your life."

The seventh tip is "Become a Personal Powerhouse". "The more you practice the health habits, the more energy and vitality you will have. The more you keep your conversation focused on your goals and on the things you want, the greater amount of strength and power you will feel. You will be more alert and aware. You will feel more positive and action oriented in every situation."

And finally the eighth tip is "Surround yourself with other Positive, Energetic People". Who you surround yourself with is so important. They say that you will always make withing 20% of the income of your closest group of friends. The same goes for your positivity and energy. If you want to have a High-Energy life full of positives you have to surround yourself with other similar people.

So that's what Brian Tracy has to say along with a few points of my own. Being positive and having a lot of energy is not product of circumstances. It is a choice and a lifestyle that must be chosen and committed to.
But I can personally say that I love life way more when I'm happy than when I'm mad or sad so I simply choose to be happy more of the time than not.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Everyday Greatness!

I was reading Stephen Covey's book Everyday Greatness this morning while enjoying my coffee break.
It's such an awesome and inspiring book about a wide variety of people (whether rich or poor, or famous or not)  who have achieved everyday greatness and constantly strive to better themselves.

As you read through Stephen Covey talks about how to achieve Everyday Greatness and he explains that it comes from 3 Everyday Choices.

1) The Choice to Act - "The first choice we make every day is, will we act upon life, or will we merely be acted upon"  Are your actions reflecting someone who is in control of their lives or someone who is being controlled?
Most of you will probably read this and thinks its a simple question, of course I choose to act. But when the end of the day comes our actions are what will tell the truth of how were are deciding to live our lives. Only you can decide to act, it takes discipline and the ability to begin with the end in mind.

2) The Choice of Purpose - Most people are driven by short term results and instant gratification. We want the convenience of the now and what will make us happy in this very moment. Unfortunately by choosing these short term satisfactions we are hurting our ability to achieve much larger, more fulfilling long term goals and dreams because typically the easiest answer is the wrong one(thats why it's easy). We make ourselves inflexible to seeing our long term vision come into fruition because most of us don't make our choices based on our end purpose.
Before you decide, ask yourself, is this going to help me achieve my long term goals?
Does this decision align with my focus and dreams. Will this choice hurt me beyond today?
Think Big and think about more than just the now.

3) The choice for Principles - "Will we live our lives in accordance with proven principles, or we will suffer the consequences of not doing so?" In his book Stephen Covey shares one of his favorite anecdotes to illustrate his point.
"One foggy night at sea a captain of a ship saw what looked like the lights of another ship heading towards him. He had his signalman contact the other ship by light. The message was "Change your course ten degrees to the south."
The reply came back "Change your course ten degrees to the north."
Then the captain answered: "I am a captain, so you change your course ten degrees to the south."
Reply:"I am a seaman first class-change your course ten degrees to the north."
This last exchange really infuriated the captain, so he signaled back: "I am a battleship-change your course ten degrees to the south."
Reply: "And I am a lighthouse. Change your course ten degrees to the north"

"It's a lighthearted message but the point remains, neither the size of the vessel nor the rank of the helmsman mattered. The lighthouse was not going to change its course. Only the captain had a choice of whether or not to course correct.
The lighthouse is like a principle. Principles are immovable. They do not change. Everyone is equal subject to them. Like the lighthouse, principles provide permanent markers against which people can set their direction in times of both storm and calm, darkness and light."

If you want to achieve Everyday Greatness then use these 3 choices to help guide you into the life you want and truly deserve.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Be Charitable!!

Have you ever noticed that the wealthiest people in the world are also typically the most giving?

That is because they understand that if you want to accumulate more wealth you need to be willing give in order to receive. They understand that if nobody gave anything than nobody would receive anything either, including themselves.
Look at Bill Gates, Not only is he one of the wealthiest people in the world but he also has one of the largest charities, donates almost more than anyone else and still that isn't enough for him. He also likes to ACT, he doesn't just throw money at things and hope the problems go away. He travels to Africa and lives in their small grass huts and is actually DOING something rather than just talking about it.
Over the Christmas holidays as a company LiquidEdge set one of their biggest goals for 2011 as being a very charitable company, not just by donating money but to participate in helping our community and it's people flourish.
On May 2, 2011 we started that goal by joining the "Walk for Kids Help Phone!" It was a wonderful experience and in my opinion a very important cause. The Edmonton Kids Help Line was just about out of money and ready to shut down when one of the sales reps I work with ran into the lady that heads this program. She asked if we would be interesting in helping out and immediately we jumped at the opportunity.
Check out this Press Release about our companies involvement.

You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Law of the Big MO!!

"Momentum is a Leader's Best Friend" John C. Maxwell

A business partner once told me that Momentum is the #1 thing he wants when it comes to running a business.
He said he would do whatever it took to gain momentum. He would spend money, change things up, add new people, get rid of others. He would set bonus' and challenges to try and shake things up. He would set targets and quota's to raise standards in the office. To him it didn't matter what it took to get momentum as long as he had it. He told me that people could learn tasks such as public speaking, administration work, sales, preparation, goal setting or pretty well most things in business if a person is willing to apply themselves but that you can't learn momentum, you need to create it. 

The reason he feels momentum is so important is because many times it's the only difference between winning and losing.

Why is momentum such a big deal? John C. Maxwell describes this perfectly in his "21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership"
"1) Momentum is the Great Exaggerator - Look at sports. You put two teams with very similar skill and assets. The team that usually wins is the team that was able to make momentum and keep it.
2) Momentum makes Leaders Look Better than they Are - When momentum is on your side, people think your a genius. They look past your shortcomings. They forget about mistakes. People like associating themselves with Winners.
3) Momentum helps Followers Perform better than they Are - Even the bench warmer gets to put his name on the Stanley cup if his team wins.
4) Momentum is easier to Steer than to Start - Have you ever tried Water Skiing? It's impossible to do anything in the water when the boat isn't moving. But as soon as the boat starts moving and you are up on the water you can learn to do anything you want.
5) Momentum is the most Powerful Change Agent - Given enough momentum nearly any kind of change is possible. People love to jump on the bandwagon."

So now that we know WHY we want Momentum, How do we achieve it?
"1) Momentum begins inside the leader and spreads from there. Are you passionate about your vision? Are you trying to initiate momentum at all times? Do you work to motivate others?
You must model the attitude and work ethic you would like to see in others.
2) Motivation is a key factor in developing momentum. The first step toward building motivation is removing demotivating elements within your organization. Once you have done that, then you can take the next step towards implementing motivating elements into your business.
3) To encourage momentum, you need to help your people celebrate their accomplishments. Make it a regular practice to honer people who "move the ball forward." You want to continually praise effort but REWARD accomplishments. The more you reward success, the more people will strive for it."

If you have momentum right now enjoy it, use it and keep creating more of it. If your currently standing still then choose to stop standing still, start doing little things to create small success and build off of that. Set goals and push yourself to the top of the mountain. It will take a lot of work to get to the top but the ride down will be worth every step you took.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What Makes Somebody Great?

I think there are many things that can make an individual great. However I feel one thing in particular that really separates the good from the great is the person's ability to keep making themselves better.

Take for example Sydney Crosby. Coming into the NHL in 2005 most people expected him to be amazing. Even Wayne Gretzky called him the "Next One". As expected Sydney had an incredible first year. He scored 39 goals and hit over 100 pts. Most NHL players wont come close to 100 pts in a season in their entire NHL careers.
But Sydney wasn't looking to just be good. He wanted to be great. That season he finished with a plus/minus of -1. Not very good for Crosby's standards. That off season he worked incredibly hard to improve his defensive game and the next 2 years he went +10 and +18 and has never been a minus player since.

In his second year he was criticized for his face off win percentage. Since that year he has been in the top 5 in the league in face off win percentage.
In his third year he took his team to the Stanley Cup Finals but fell short in the end to Detroit. Obviously this wasn't good enough for someone like Sydney Crosby, so the next year he took his team to the cup finals again against Detroit but this time walked away as a champion. He also won Olympic Gold with Team Canada less than a year later.

By this time most people, (including some of the best players in the NHL) would say Crosby was doing pretty good for himself. He had won every trophy you could in the sport of Hockey at every level he played. He had been the league MVP and won many other individual awards. But once again this was not enough.
After they won the cup Crosby was again criticized for his lack of goals scoring. He had never scored 40 or more in a single season. What does he do? He practices all off season and was tied for 1st for goals scored at 51 by the end of the season.

Sydney Crosby is a remarkable example of someone MAKING himself great. He never relies on past performance or what he has accomplished in the past. He is constantly focusing on making himself better. Even this past year after being the best current player in the NHL in every category, he improved himself again and was on track to break all of his previous records until he suffered an unfortunate concussion to end his season.

Now, I'm not saying you have to go out and be Sydney Crosby in order to be great. But you do need to be constantly striving to improve yourself, daily, weekly and yearly. All throughout your lifetime. Take the lesson from Crosby and push yourself to be the best.
Remember, If you want to be a World-Class individual you need to have the actions of a World-Class individual.

Monday, April 4, 2011

How Tall Are You?

I was reading an article about the life of former Olympic Gold Medalist Scott Hamilton.
It talks about him growing up and going through his challenges in becoming the best figure skater.

Here is a brief rundown of his life:
"When he was two years old, this adopted child of two college professors suddenly and inexplicably stopped growing, and his health started to fail. A team of doctors gave him six months to live after they diagnosed him as suffering from a rare disease that inhibits digestion and nutrients in food. Intravenous feedings of vitamins and supplements allowed him to regain his strength, but his growth was permanently stunted.
Confined to hospitals for long periods of time, until the age of nine, he quietly plotted his revenge on the kids who taunted him and called him “peanut.”
He recalled many years later that subconsciously “the whole experience made me want to succeed at something athletic.” Sometimes his sister, Susan, went ice skating at the local rink, and he would go along to watch. There he stood, a frail, under grown kid, with a feeding tube inserted through his nose and down into his stomach. When he wasn’t using it, one end of the tube was taped behind his ear.
One day, as he watched his sister whirl around the ice, he turned to his parents and said, “You know, I think I’d like to try ice skating.” Talk about two adults, looking at their life-threatened child, with glances that were beyond belief!
Well, he tried it and he loved it, and he went at it with a passion. Here was something fun at which he could excel, where height and weight weren’t important.
During his medical checkup the following year, the doctors were startled to discover that he had actually started growing again. It was too late for him to reach normal size, but neither he nor his family cared. He was recovering and succeeding. He believed in his dream, although he had little else to hang on to.
None of the kids taunt him and tease him today. Instead, they all cheer and rush to get his autograph. He has just completed another dazzling performance on the world professional ice skating tour, with a long string of triple jumps, complicated maneuvers, and athletic moves, capped off with a racing front flip that brought him to a sudden stop inches from the audience. Although he has retired from professional skating, he remains a coach, mentor and commentator revered by everyone in winter sports.
At five feet three inches and 115 pounds of pure muscle and electrifying energy, former Olympic gold medal figure skating champion Scott Hamilton stands as tall and as proud as any winner. Scott’s size didn’t limit his faith and reach. Don’t let doubts and critics limit yours. Success in developing any skill requires a basic trust in your ability that should never be allowed to waver."

I felt his story was a great example of why we cannot prejudge people or ourselves. It shows how anyone can achieve success regardless of your upbringing or your surroundings. It just takes the willingness to try anything and push yourself beyond your current limitations.
"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, your right" Henry Ford.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

4 Emotions that can Lead to Life Change!!

The Four Emotions That Can Lead to Life Change by Jim Rohn
Emotions are the most powerful forces inside us. Under the power of emotions, human beings can perform the most heroic (as well as barbaric) acts. To a great degree, civilization itself can be defined as the intelligent channeling of human emotion. Emotions are fuel and the mind is the pilot, which together propel the ship of civilized progress.
Which emotions cause people to act? There are four basic ones; each, or a combination of several, can trigger the most incredible activity. The day that you allow these emotions to fuel your desire is the day you'll turn your life around.
One does not usually equate the word "disgust" with positive action. And yet properly channeled, disgust can change a person's life. The person who feels disgusted has reached a point of no return. He or she is ready to throw down the gauntlet at life and say, "I've had it!" That's what I said after many humiliating experiences at age 25. I said, "I don't want to live like this anymore. I've had it with being broke. I've had it with being embarrassed, and I've had it with lying."
Yes, productive feelings of disgust come when a person says, "Enough is enough."
The "guy" has finally had it with mediocrity. He's had it with those awful sick feelings of fear, pain and humiliation. He then decides he is "not going to live like this anymore." Look out! This could be the day that turns a life around. Call it what you will: the "I've had it" day, the "never again" day, the "enough's enough" day. Whatever you call it, it's powerful! There is nothing so life-changing as gut-wrenching disgust!
Most of us need to be pushed to the wall to make decisions. And once we reach this point, we have to deal with the conflicting emotions that come with making them. We have reached a fork in the road. Now this fork can be a two-prong, three-prong, or even a four-prong fork. No wonder that decision-making can create knots in stomachs, keep us awake in the middle of the night, or make us break out in a cold sweat.
Making life-changing decisions can be likened to internal civil war. Conflicting armies of emotions, each with its own arsenal of reasons, battle each other for supremacy of our minds. And our resulting decisions, whether bold or timid, well thought out or impulsive, can either set the course of action or blind it.
I don't have much advice to give you about decision-making except this: Whatever you do, don't camp at the fork in the road. Decide. It's far better to make a wrong decision than to not make one at all. Each of us must confront our emotional turmoil and sort out our feelings.
How does one gain desire? I don't think I can answer this directly because there are many ways. But I do know two things about desire:
A. It comes from the inside not the outside.
B. It can be triggered by outside forces.
Almost anything can trigger desire. It's a matter of timing as much as preparation. It might be a song that tugs at the heart. It might be a memorable sermon. It might be a movie, a conversation with a friend, a confrontation with the enemy, or a bitter experience. Even a book or an article such as this one can trigger the inner mechanism that will make some people say, "I want it now!"
Therefore, while searching for your "hot button" of pure, raw desire, welcome into your life each positive experience. Don't erect a wall to protect you from experiencing life. The same wall that keeps out your disappointment also keeps out the sunlight of enriching experiences. So let life touch you. The next touch could be the one that turns your life around.
Resolve says, "I will." These two words are among the most potent in the English language. I WILL. Benjamin Disraeli, the great British statesman, once said, "Nothing can resist a human will that will stake even its existence on the extent of its purpose." In other words, when someone resolves to "do or die," nothing can stop him.
The mountain climber says, "I will climb the mountain. They've told me it's too high, it's too far, it's too steep, it's too rocky, it's too difficult. But it's my mountain. I will climb it. You'll soon see me waving from the top or you'll never see me, because unless I reach the peak, I'm not coming back." Who can argue with such resolve?
When confronted with such iron-will determination, I can see Time, Fate and Circumstance calling a hasty conference and deciding, "We might as well let him have his dream. He's said he's going to get there or die trying."
The best definition for "resolve" I've ever heard came from a schoolgirl in Foster City, California. As is my custom, I was lecturing about success to a group of bright kids at a junior high school. I asked, "Who can tell me what 'resolve' means?" Several hands went up, and I did get some pretty good definitions. But the last was the best. A shy girl from the back of the room got up and said with quiet intensity, "I think resolve means promising yourself you will never give up." That's it! That's the best definition I've ever heard: PROMISE YOURSELF YOU'LL NEVER GIVE UP.
Think about it! How long should a baby try to learn how to walk? How long would you give the average baby before you say, "That's it, you've had your chance"? You say that's crazy? Of course it is. Any mother would say, "My baby is going to keep trying until he learns how to walk!" No wonder everyone walks.
There is a vital lesson in this. Ask yourself, "How long am I going to work to make my dreams come true?" I suggest you answer, "As long as it takes." That's what these four emotions are all about.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Philosophy of Ants!!

All of us tend to look up to big people for lessons on how to get better. We are keen to learn the secrets of their success. But we forget that sometimes the biggest lessons in life come from the smallest folks around us. Now that’s a good lesson to remember!
Take ants for instance. Would you believe those small creatures can teach us how to live a better life?
Jim Rohn – the great motivational guru – developed what he called the ‘Ants Philosophy’. He identified four key lessons from the behaviour of ants that can help us lead better lives. 
1. Ants never quit. Have you noticed how ants always look for a way around an obstacle? Put your finger in an ant’s path and it will try and go around it, or over it. It will keep looking for a way out. It won’t just stand there and stare. It won’t give up and go back.
We should all learn to be like that. There will always be obstacles in our lives. The challenge is to keep trying, keep looking for alternative routes to get to our goals.
Winston Churchill probably paraphrased the ant’s mindset when he offered this priceless advice:
 2. Ants think winter all summer. Remember the old story of the ant and the grasshopper? In the middle of summer, the ant was busy gathering food for the winter ahead – while the grasshopper was out having a good time. Ants know that summer – the good times – won’t last forever. Winters will come. That’s a good lesson to remember. When the going is good, don’t be so arrogant as to believe that a crisis or a setback cannot happen to you. Be good to other people. Save for a rainy day.
 3. Ants think summer all winter. As they suffer through the unbearable cold of the winter, ants keep reminding themselves that it won’t last forever, and that summer will soon be here. And with the first rays of the summer sun, the ants come out – ready to work, ready to play. When we are down and seemingly out, when we go through what looks like a never-ending crisis, it’s good to remind ourselves that this too shall pass. Good times will come. It’s important to retain a positive attitude, an attitude that says things will get better.
As the old saying goes, TOUGH TIMES DON’T LAST. TOUGH PEOPLE DO.
 4. Ants do all they possibly can. How much food does an ant gather in summer? All that it possibly can! Now that’s a great work ethic to have. Do all you can! One ant doesn’t worry about how much food another ant is collecting. It does not sit back and wonder why it should have to work so hard. Nor does it complain about the poor pay! Ants just do their bit. They gather all the food they can. Success and happiness are usually the result of giving 100% – doing all you possibly can. If you look around you, you’ll find that successful people are those who just do all they possibly can.
 Follow the FOUR SIMPLE STEPS OF JIM ROHN’S ‘ANT PHILOSOPHY’ – and you’ll see the difference. Don’t quit. Look ahead. Stay positive. And do all you can.
 And there’s just one more lesson to learn from ants. Did you know that an ant can carry objects up to 20 times their own weight? Maybe we are like that too. We can carry burdens on our shoulders and manage workloads that are far, far heavier than we’d imagine. Next time something’s bothering you and weighing you down, and you feel you just can’t carry on, don’t fret. Think of the little ant. And remember, you too can carry a lot more on your shoulders!

Friday, February 11, 2011

What Separates You?

I am reading an excellent book by Robin Sharma, "The Greatness Guide book 2"

In one of the chapter's he wrote about "What Separates You?". I really enjoyed this topic and I hope you will too.

In his book he wrote:
"Starbury One basketball shoes look a lot like those peddled by Nike and Reebok. They are worn on-court by N.Y. Knicks guard Stephon Marbury. And they are built to last, like those of their competitors. So what makes them special? The fact that they are only $14.98 a pair (really). The best businesses know their Separation Points--their competitive advantages--and then have the discipline to stay brilliantly focused on them until the whole world knows what makes them special. Tesla just put out a sports car--$100,000 a pop. But here's the thing: It does 0 to 60 mph in four seconds, is electrical powered and will go 100,000 miles per battery. Masterful Separation Points.

So have the courage to be different. Have the boldness within your industry to create value that has never before been created. Be strikingly creative, always getting better and dreaming bigger. And know what separates you from everyone else. Because if you don't know what makes your business special, how can you tell everyone else?"
Great topic! What are you doing differently than everyone else?
Make yourself standout!  If you want to be World-Class, you need to think like a World-Class individual. Get the creative juices flowing and try to come up with new innovative ways to make your business different & BETTER than the rest!

Remember: Just because something hasn't been thought of yet doesn't make it impossible!

Friday, January 28, 2011


When I was running a meeting for our office the other day, I asked everyone if I gave them $86,400 today and everyday from here on out, and they had to spend every penny by the end of the day, what would they do with it?

I heard a lot of different answers. For example: invest it, help out family members, buy some of the things they have always dreamed of having, donate to charity.

Not surprisingly no one said they would waste it, or throw it away. None were willing to invest into stocks they knew would not bring them a return. They weren’t willing to donate it to their friends who don’t normally support them and hitting their goals. No one said they would buy a real crappy car instead of a brand new one. Every single person said they would spend all of that money bettering their lives. They would make every penny count.

I then asked if anyone knew why I picked $86,400 as the amount of money I would give. Nobody had any concrete answer. Some of you may already know.

86,400 is the exact amount of seconds we have in a day!

If you aren’t going to spend money on bad investments or useless purchases why spend your time? If you wouldn’t lend your money to friends that don’t help you hit your goals, why spend your time hanging out with them? If you are willing to spend money on charities why not invest your time and volunteer?

My point is that you have the ability to decide every day and every second whether you will make the most of it and move forward or let it float by. Unlike money, you cannot get time back. Once you let a second or minute or day go by without maximizing it to your fullest you are wasting your opportunity.

Decide today what you will do with your 86,400 seconds. I know I will be making the most of mine. Will you?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Burn The Extra 1%

I was reading a chapter from Robin Sharma’s book “The Greatness Guide: Book 2”. The chapter was about burning the extra 1%.

He discussed how he was reading a magazine article about Chris Carmichael the coach of 7 time Tour De France winner Lance Armstrong.

Carmichael went on to say that “The last 1 percent most people keep in reserve is the extra percent champions have the courage to burn.”  That really got me thinking. Am I burning my last percent? Are you?

Do you have the courage to give it your absolute best every single day? Are you willing to burn that last percent in order to achieve greatness?

The Pareto Principle states that the top 20% of our efforts delivers us the top 80% of our results. Unfortunately it is usually the last 20%, not the first 20% that brings us our results. It is also why most people are not able to maximize their ability to the fullest because they are not willing to give it their all.

Don’t leave anything on the table. Burn your last percent. Make the most of everyday. Do not hold back. Make your dreams come true by acting on them today. Do not wait for the perfect opportunity. Someone once told me that opportunity is usually disguised as hard work and so most people leave it alone. Do not waste an opportunity due to laziness. Take on new challenges, expand your comfort zone and Achieve Greatness!

I know I will!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Giant Chinese Bamboo!!

Did you miss some or all of your 2010 resolutions/goals?
Have you ever felt as if you've worked so hard for change but nothing happened?
Do you ever feel like you are so close yet so far away from your destination?

Hopefully this video about the Giant Chinese Bamboo will help.
Have a great 2011 everyone. It's going to be a big year.

Friday, December 3, 2010

The People Behind LiquidEdge!!

Last night as I was laying in bed waiting to fall asleep all that I could think of was how much I love the people I am working with. I am so blessed to be surrounded by the most intricate, diverse yet amazing group of people. The people you meet and the relationships you create has always been my favorite part of our industry.

That got me thinking though, what does everyone else like most about our company. Instead of guessing I decided to ask and I was blown away by the responses I received from everyone. It made me really proud as the owner of LiquidEdge to see that we have been able to make such a difference in people lives.

I want to share with you what some of these people said:

Jeff Moores:
Previous Employment - Process Operator
How long he has been in the business? 1 year and 2 months
Title - Team Leader
What excited you about working with LiquidEdge initially? There was always a chance to learn something new and develop new skills. It also seemed like a lot of fun.
What do you feel is the best part about working with LiquidEdge? The people who I work with and have helped develop. As well as getting the opportunity to help other's improve their lives.
What is the most important thing you have learned since working with LiquidEdge? I learned that there is always something more you can learn and develop. You just cannot stop growing.
What have you found to be the most challenging part of what you do? Helping others see their own potential

Tye Johnson:
Previous Employment - Sales Manager
Post Secondary Education: 3 different degrees in Art History, Marketing, and I.T.
Title: Team Leader
What excited you about working with LiquidEdge initially? The income potential
What do you feel is the best part about working with LiquidEdge? Working with sharp young people who have goals. As well as the opportunity to advance and own my on company.
What is the most important thing you have learned since working with LiquidEdge? Patience.

Amber Jones:
Previous Employment - Restaurant Manager
Post Secondary Education - Kinesiology - Coaching and Sport Performance
How Long have you been with LiquidEdge? 2 months
Title -  Leader
What excited you about working with LiquidEdge initially? Atmosphere
What do you feel is the best part about working with LiquidEdge? The fact that this is a people helping people business and the support system they have in place to make sure people succeed.
What is the most important thing you have learned since working with LiquidEdge? Achieving Goals.

Emily Kwok:
Previous Employment - Waitress
Post Secondary Education - Marketing Major at U of A
How Long have you been with LiquidEdge? Almost 8 months
Title - Team Leader
What excited you about working with LiquidEdge initially? The opportunity and the people working here.
What do you feel is the best part about working with LiquidEdge? Constant growth and learning as well as helping others to succeed.
What is the most important thing you have learned since working with LiquidEdge? Different perspective on things in a positive way and how to lead others.
What is the most challenging part of what you do? Getting out of my comfort zone all of the time.

Matt Kearney:
Previous Employment - Foreman at a Scaffold Yard
How Long have you been with LiquidEdge? 2 months
Title - Leader
What excited you about working with LiquidEdge initially? Great atmosphere and enormous potential for personal and professional growth.
What do you feel is the best part about working with LiquidEdge? The people.
What is the most important thing you have learned since working with LiquidEdge? That setting goals and sticking with them can achieve anything.
What is the most challenging part of what you do? Adapting to all the different people and clients.

Abdi Awaleh:
Previous Employment - Busser
How Long have you been with LiquidEdge? 4 months
Title - Leader
What excited you about working with LiquidEdge initially? The opportunity, the atmosphere, and the fact that I can make a lot of money.
What do you feel is the best part about working with LiquidEdge? Ability to own my own company
What is the most important thing you have learned since working with LiquidEdge? Sales and Business.

Sean McQueen:
Previous Employment - Construction
Post Secondary Education - Journalism Degree
How Long have you been with LiquidEdge? 6 weeks
Title - Leader
What excited you about working with LiquidEdge initially? Kick ass positive atmosphere, and great people.
What do you feel is the best part about working with LiquidEdge? The collective attitude is unbelievable.
What is the most important thing you have learned since working with LiquidEdge? To have faith in myself.

Calum Casey:
Previous Employment - Construction
How Long have you been with LiquidEdge? 4 months
Title - Leader
What excited you about working with LiquidEdge initially? Being able to learn and develop myself personally and professionally.
What do you feel is the best part about working with LiquidEdge? The atmosphere, the team feeling, the development and of course all of the fun we have.
What is the most important thing you have learned since working with LiquidEdge? Being goal oriented, working as a team, and professional development. As well as maintaining a positive attitude.
What is the most challenging part of what you do? Pushing myself to learn new things and apply them.

Justine Martin:
Previous Employment - Receptionist
Post Secondary Education - 2 yrs of business management
How Long have you been with LiquidEdge? 9 months
Title - HR Manager
What excited you about working with LiquidEdge initially? The type of business and working with positive, passionate people.
What do you feel is the best part about working with LiquidEdge? The atmosphere, opportunity to grow and advance and the people.
What is the most important thing you have learned since working with LiquidEdge? Embodying (not just on the surface) the Can Do, positive outlook and attitude.

There you have it, straight from the people of LiquidEdge themselves.
If after reading this, you realize you would like to be a part of our company or organization then submit your resume Justine at

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Be the Best You!

My blog today is straight from Robin Sharma's book the Greatness Guide Book 2.

Its about truly seeking to be the best you, you can be every day.

"Warren Buffet once observed, 'There will never be a better you than you.' Brilliant insight. From a brilliant guy. There will never be a better me than me. And there will never be a better you than you. Some might try to copy the way you think, speak and act. But no matter how hard they try, they will only be a second best you. Because you are unique. Only one of you alive today. Among the billions of us. Makes you stop and think, doesn't it? Makes you realize you are pretty special. No, very special. And that there really isn't any competition.
And so today, what will you do with you as you march out into a world that needs people playing at extraordinary with their lives more than ever before? Will you exert more of your hidden potential? Will you liberate more of your natural creativity? Will you uncover more of your authenticity? And will you be more of the you that you are meant to be? Just wondering. Because there will never be a better time to be the best you than today. And if not now, then when? Makes me think of what philosopher Herodotus once said: 'It is better by noble boldness to run the risk of being subject to half of the evils we anticipate than to remain in cowardly listlessness for fear of what may happen.' So beautifully said."

What will you choose today. To be the best you? Or to let your full potential fall by the wayside?

Monday, November 22, 2010

7 Traits all Self Made Millionaires Share

Why is it that there are so few Millionaires in the world? It certainly isn't because of lack of "wanting the money". I don't think there is a person out there that doesn't want a million dollars. It may not be the person's main priority or goal but I really can't see someone turning down the money. So if the majority of people want the money, why do so few actually achieve this milestone. I needed the answer to this question, for me being a millionaire isn't just a want but a must, so I went to work to find out what qualities all self made millionaires share.

The 7 Qualities are:
1) Persistence/Determination - This is a must, you will not meet a single self made millionaire who did not come across obstacles along their way. The difference between people who overcome their challenges and those that don't is that wealthy people understand they must persist and accomplish their goal no matter what.

2) Positive Self Concept - Truly wealthy people do not doubt themselves or what they are capable of. They have taken the time to consistently evaluate themselves in order to determine their areas of strength. Once their aware of those strength's, they are unwavering in the pursuit of playing to those strength's . They have the courage to stand up to others and the challenges they face because they understand what they are capable of.

3) Willingness to take risks - You've all heard the definition of Entrepreneur. Someone who is willing to take risks in the pursuit of profit. You cannot hold back and let opportunities pass by because you are afraid. Wealthy people understand that their are things in their control and things that are not and they don't let the difference get in their way.

4) Flexibility - You need to be flexible in your life if you want to be successful. Don't get tied down by financial obligations, or by people who aren't focused on the same goals as yourself. That way when opportunities present themselves your able to pounce on them as opposed to hold back and wait because you have to choose between an outrageous mortgage or an investment opportunity.

5) Organization and Planning - My personal favorite. To put this one simply: If you cannot manage yourself or small amounts of money, how do you ever expect to manage large responsibilities and large bank accounts? You cant. If you are not willing to plan daily and weekly then don't bother trying to be wealthy. The two cannot coincide.

6) Attitude - Millionaires have an indestructible attitude. It is rock solid no matter what obstacles come their way. I need to make something clear when I say attitude; Attitude is not putting on a smile and everything will be puppies and rainbows. Attitude is the ability to know that you will succeed no matter what obstacles get in your way.

7) Industriousness - Millionaires have the ability to work hard until completion. I need to stress the importance of following through until the job is done. Millionaires don't get half  way and give up. They work and they work very hard to get the results that they have. You might be thinking I know millionaires and they don't have to work very hard, and that may be true now, but I can almost guarantee you that they either didn't start out that way or they were not actually a self made millionaire.

This is what I've learned through talking with and meeting very wealthy people. It is up to you whether you choose to follow these idea's or not, but if you wish to be financially successful yourself, I strongly urge you to take these character traits and master them.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Maximize Your Potential

What is Potential?
The definition of potential is capable of being or becoming. Sounds pretty straight forward right. Then why do so many people not use/hit their potential. According to the definition everyone is capable of using their maximum potential. The author Anthony Robbins-Awaken the Giant within knows. He broke it down into three categories as to why people don't hit their maximum potential.

"The first thing is people don't have good enough standards for themselves. If you want to reach your maximum potential you need to Raise your Standards. Write a list of all of the things you will no longer accept in your life. Then write a list of all the things you aspire to become. The greatest people in history had very high standards of themselves. Look at Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr. etc."

"The second thing that stops people from hitting their goals is Limiting Beliefs. You can have the best standards in the world but if you don't believe you can hit them then you have already sabotaged yourself. You wont even try; you'll be lacking that sense of certainty that allows you to tap the deepest capacity that's within you even as you read this. Our beliefs are like unquestioned commands, telling us how things are, what's possible and what's impossible, what we can and cannot do. They shape every action, every though, and every feeling that we experience. As a result, changing our belief systems is central to making any real and lasting change in our lives. How much do you think Gandhi would have accomplished had he not believed with every fibre of his being in the power of nonviolent opposition."

"The third thing is people have the wrong strategy. In order to keep your commitment, you need the best strategies for achieving results. The best strategy in almost any case is to find a role-model, or someone who is already getting the results you want and then tap into their knowledge. Learn what they are doing, what their core beliefs are and how they think. Not only will this make you more effective it will also save you a huge amount of time because you wont have to reinvent the wheel."

So if your saying to yourself right now, I have more potential or I'm not living up to my maximum potential than implement these three easy steps and watch as you grow and develop into an amazing individual.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Last Wednesday on our weekly organization call we were discussing how "in order to be a great leader you must start by being a great person". Throughout the call we were all analyzing ourselves on things like integrity, character, how we carry ourselves, etc. It was a very good talk but it left me wondering: do I have true character? I kept thinking about it and how I might go about measuring my character because this is something I have always held in high regard.

It took a couple of days but on Saturday night the answer came to me. (It surprises me to this day, how what you focus on truly does materialize) I was watching the hit TV series Friday Night Light's. The show is about high school football and the drama (good or bad) that follows the football players. I've always loved the Coach of the football team, he really represents what I feel true character is. And of course he didn't disappoint me in the latest episode either. He was talking to his Star Quarterback before there next game. His quarterback just had his father come home from prison and needless to say he was none to excited about. He was upset because his mother kept telling him to "Be Better" and forgive his father, even the coach was telling him to rise above and "Be Better". At this point the young quarterback broke down about how he didn't know how to be better and that he never had anyone teach him.

In response to this Coach Taylor said "I said you need to STRIVE to be better than everyone else, I didn't say you NEED to be better than everyone else. But you gotta try. That's what CHARACTER is... It's in the trying." 

I don't know about you but that made complete sense to me. Your character isn't determined by one event, or action. It isn't determined by what people say or by the results you get. It's not even determined by your success' or failures. It is determined by consciously making the decision, everyday, to strive to be better today than you were the day before.

I think your character is one of the most important things we should spend our time developing. It is who we are, it is the actions we take when faced with tough decisions.

Take the time today and ask yourself... Are you striving to be better?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Having the Mindset of a Red Crab

I was watching the new National Geographic series Great Migrations yesterday and it got me thinking about how as humans we should all have the mindset of the Red Crab.

Now I know what your thinking, what is a Red Crab mindset? I'll tell you in a minute but I first want to discuss what this Red Crab goes through each year to survive.

Unlike most crabs, the red crab lives in the rain forest of Christmas Island. The problem however is that their offspring need to start there development in the ocean. So each year millions of these red crabs start a 15km hike towards the ocean. (15 km might not seem that much but I assure you when your 4.6 inches it would be far more difficult than your average marathon.). Let me also add that they are not walking along the sidewalk but in much more difficult terrain.

It may not seem like that big of deal overall, I mean it's a part of nature right. It's the way it was intended. True, but what isn't part of their nature is yellow crazy ants. A few years back a cargo ship contaminated the particular route that these crabs follow with yellow crazy ants that squirt poison into the eyes of these crabs, making them blind and helpless to billions of these ants. One year they nearly took out over 50 millions of these crabs alone.

That's not it, once through the yellow crazy ants they must now walk across the scorching hot beach without any water and there shells are exactly water absorbent. The males arrive first and now must now hope they don't get picked off by birds or other scavengers while they wait for their females for breeding. Once done the females must now wait on the beach to lay there eggs. Once they are ready all of the females take their sacks of roughly a thousand eggs and simply let them wash away in the ocean. Now that they got that out of the way they just simply get to go home. The exact same way they just came!!

 So not only do the baby crabs have to somehow survive in the ocean with lots of fish and turtles and other creatures to eat them they also get to look forward to making their own great hike back through the forest where their parents just came from.

Doesn't seem fair after reading does it? I didn't think so either but it did get me thinking about how us as humans need to develop the mindset of the Red Crab.

My point is like the red crab we don't get to choose how our life starts. Some of us have it harder than others, and some don't, plain and simple. But that shouldn't stop is from hitting our goals. Like the red Crab we need to develop a 1 track mindset to our goals. The crabs know that if they don't make that treacherous journey they will become extinct. We need to have that same mentality and not allow road blocks to stop us from accomplishing great things. We need to persevere over all of the crap life throws at you. At times it may seem impossible and like the yellow crazy ants, people are going to try and stop you from hitting your goals. You need to buckle down, put your nose to the grindstone, put on the blinders and just keep marching forward, not worrying about what may happen or what people will say. Your not trying to hit their goals, your hitting your goals.

This was a very extreme example and I hope no one has to face challenges like the red crab does, but my point is still the same. Treat your goals like your life, do whatever it takes to achieve them. Don't let your goals fall by the wayside because you let other people distract you and throw you off track.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Find Perfect Moments

I was reading an exert from Robin Sharma's book the "Greatness Guide Book 2".
I feel he worded this perfectly so I am just going to copy it straight from his book.

"I had a perfect moment today. It wasn't a standing ovation in front of a thousand people. It wasn't a phone call from a publisher sharing some good news. It wasn't a fortune 500 company calling to book a leadership presentation or coaching engagement for their team. No, it was a far more important thing that occurred in my life on this morning. And it was incredibly basic (as are the best things in life)."

"As I got out of my car in the parking lot of our office, I noticed an amazing fragrance in the air. It was pure beauty. So sweet and breathtaking. I looked around and saw that I had parked under a tree over flowing with red and pink blossoms. Spring had sprung and the tree was spreading it's magic. I just stood there. Closed my eyes, entranced by the smell. And the moment. I felt grateful to be alive. Sure, I have challenges I'm dealing with (the only ones who don't are dead). Sure, life could always be better. But happiness is all about gaining a sense of proportion and perspective. And we all have many blessings in our lives, like people who love us or work that gives our day meaning or healthy kids or simple gifts like food on the table and two eyes to see through. Like the perfect moment in the parking lot."

"Life is so very short. Yes, it's important to focus on excellence in your career and arriving at a splendid success, however you define it. I totally agree with that. But equally important is enjoying the ride. Laughing. Having fun. Experiencing adventure. And not missing out on Perfect Moments. Mostly, they are free. And they are right in front of you. Today. If only you make the time to look for them."

Like I said, he words this topic beautifully. We hear it from childhood to make sure to stop to smell the roses but unfortunately most of us don't. We get too caught up in going through the motions and looking for convenience that we forget to really stop and recognize our own Perfect Moments.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Everyone has 2 choices in life!!!!

Everyone of us has 2 choices in our life we must make. You can either choose to live the life you want or have one chosen for you.  Like it or not, everyone must make this choice.

Most people unfortunately choose the latter, they feel that they have no control over their future and that it all depends on the schooling you had, or the financial situation of your parents, or the job you get. These are all really valid points, some of us had parents that were wealthy, Bill gates kid's probably will have a foot up on the rest, but your parents aren't the ones who will decide your future. Regardless of your background and past, as of today you still have a choice on the life you will live. You decide how you will live, where you will go and when, not according to some other person's schedule.

Let me be clear on one thing though, if you choose to live your life by your own design it will be challenging. You will have to pay now to be able to play later. It takes discipline and effort to achieve what you want. Wishing something be done typically doesn't produce the results we want. You must be willing to sacrifice your time, relationships, efforts, and sometimes money for a bigger reward down the road. But, let me assure you that if you choose to pay now as opposed to pay later you will have a wonderful and fulfilling life because it will be yours. No one else will tell you what to do or how to do it. When was the last time you truly had that kind of freedom? Probably not since you were a kid for most of us.

Do not waste time letting things happen. Take control of your future today, decide the life you want and go after it. Choose to make your own decisions and live a free life. The life you have always wanted.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mayonnaise Jar and a couple of Beers

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar... and a couple of beers.

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full? They all agreed it was.

So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar slightly. The pebbles rolled in all of the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full? They all agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full? The students responded with a unanimous "YES".

The professor then produced two cans of beer from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

"Now" the professor said, as the laughter subsided, " I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. the golf balls are the important things-- your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions-- things that if everything was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full."

"The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, house, car. The sand is everything else-- the small stuff."

"If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued "there isn't room for the pebbles or golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical check-ups. Take your partner to dinner. Play another 18 holes." (My personal favorite)

There will always be time to clean the house, and fix the disposal. "Take care of the golf balls first, things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the beer represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of beers."